Ignite a Passion for STEM with the First Interactive 3-D Science Curriculum.
Interactive 3-D has been shown to be a more effective tool for learning than traditional teaching resources. Lifeliqe is the first web-based, K-12 digital science curriculum with over 1,300 interactive 3-D models, including augmented, virtual and mixed reality features.
Explore over 700 lesson plans aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Common Core to supplement your science titles and give your readers a more immersive experience.
Compatible with Chromebooks™, PCs, tablets and interactive whiteboards, Lifeliqe was designed for ease-of-use on the device of your choice. Lifeliqe also correlates with the most common science textbooks and integrates Microsoft products and Google Classroom.
Lifeliqe is the affordable way to bring interactive 3-D to your readers. Contact your Follett Sales Professional for more information and a free demo of Lifeliqe.